ASHA remains an independent, unbiased source of information on sexual health. We are guided by science, not ideology. READ MORE.
ASHA remains an independent, unbiased source of information on sexual health. We are guided by science, not ideology. READ MORE.

American Sexual
Health Association

Condom Month Social Media Toolkit

Psst! It’s National Condom Month 🥒 🍆 🍌 #Condoms #NationalCondomMonth #condom #SexualHealth #safesex  #STIprevention #usecondoms #ISpeakSexHealth

Routine STI testing and condoms work together for safer sex 🤝 #Condoms #NationalCondomMonth #condom #SexualHealth #safesex #safersex #CondomMonth #ISpeakSexHealth 

No whey!!! Using two #condoms at the same time is never a good idea. Two condoms can rub against each other, making the material weaker and more likely to break. When condoms tear, there’s a greater risk of STIs and pregnancy. 🐄.  #condom #ISpeakSexHealth 

Consent + #condoms + consistent #STI testing = safer sex. #ISpeakSexHealth #CondomMonth 

Condom social media post with a dolphin

February is National Condom Month! In addition to preventing pregnancy, condoms are an important part of the STI prevention toolbox! #CondomMonth #ISpeakSexHealth

Safer sex includes using #condoms (with lube!) and dental dams, getting tested for STIs, communicating with your partner, and much more 💖 ✨ #ISpeakSexHealth

February is Condom Month

Spice it up, wrap it up! February is National Condom Month. Elevate intimacy with the right protection. Explore the world of condoms @ #CondomMonth

A banana wearing a condom

Safety first, pleasure always! Celebrate National Condom Month in February. Condoms not only safeguard, but they also enhance the experience. #CondomMonth

February is National Condom Month! In addition to preventing pregnancy, condoms are an important part of the STI prevention toolbox! #CondomMonth

Wrap it up! February is National Condom Month. Condoms are fun, sexy, and can make a good thing GREAT! Learn more @ #CondomMonth

#DYK that condoms are the only contraceptives that also protect against STIs? #CondomMonth

#DYK that there are lots of condom options so you can find one that has the right fit and feel for you. #CondomMonth