ASHA remains an independent, unbiased source of information on sexual health. We are guided by science, not ideology. READ MORE.
ASHA remains an independent, unbiased source of information on sexual health. We are guided by science, not ideology. READ MORE.

American Sexual
Health Association

women's-healthEach year in May we shine a spotlight on the unique health needs of girls and women. New policies and programs make quality healthcare accessible for millions and we want to make sure you take advantage of all that’s available. You deserve to be well cared for in mind and body!

The resources on this page offer insight into different aspects of women’s health, from cervical cancer prevention to STD screening to healthy relationships. The Office of Women’s Health has additional resources available on steps you can take for better health, to mark National Women’s Health Week, May 14-20, 2017.

What’s New

Time for Your Screen Test
Screening is an essential part of cervical cancer prevention. For younger women, this means a Pap test. But for women 30 and older, an HPV test is an important part of screening. Watch our new video to learn more—Time for Your Screen Test.

ASHA has launched a stigma-shattering initiative—YES Means TEST—to educate and empower young adults who say “yes” to sexual activity also to say “yes” to getting tested for sexually transmitted infections. The campaign recently launched with a video developed in partnership with media and entertainment company SoulPancake featuring comedian/actress Whitney Cummings. The video is aimed at normalizing STD testing while the campaign highlights the consequences of undiagnosed infection, especially for women.

Anatomy 101

Have you ever heard anyone use the term, “female plumbing”? Despite the primitive nickname, it’s actually a good analogy. Know Your Body gives you the scoop to understand how the system works so you can maintain, rather than repair it.


Aretha had it right! Truly good relationships take time and energy to develop, and should be based on respect and honesty. This is especially important when you decide to date someone. While it’s important that dating partners care for each other, it’s just as important that you take care of yourself! Healthy Relationships gets you started towards the relationships you deserve.

Take Ten

Talking to a healthcare provider about your sexual health can be intimidating. You might feel embarrassed about the questions that you have; you might not want to admit to certain feelings or fears about your health. However, being able to talk to your healthcare provider about your physical health as it relates to your sexual health is absolutely crucial. Ten Questions to Ask has tools for finding the right provider and talking with them once you do.

Expert Advice

Sexual health educator Debby Herbenick of the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University offers expert sex advice on a range of topics on the Kinsey Confidential Podcast. You can listen to a select episodes below.

“I have a slightly enlarged labia and I’m wondering how common this is?”

“My wife prefers her sex toys to me.”

“I’m not the right size for my partner and have problems with lubrication. What can I do?”

Debby Herbenick, PhD, is a sexual health educator at The Kinsey Institute, Associate Director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University and author of several books including Sex Made Easy and Because It Feels Good: A Woman’s Guide to Sexual Pleasure and Satisfaction.